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Cancellation Policy

I. Changing or Canceling Your Subscription Plan

1. Sign into your Teacher Dashboard (https://app.e4effort.com/), click “Settings” from the side-panel (#1) and choose “Account” or select “Account” from the blue and white icon located in the upper-right corner of the page (#2).
2. To upgrade or downgrade, select your preferred plan and then the “Update Account Plan” button (#3).
3. To cancel your subscription select the “Cancel Subscription” button (#4).

II. Cancellation Policy

Free Plan – Bronze

Canceling subscription – subscription will be canceled and subscription information will be deleted from our payment partner Stripe.


Paid Plans – Gold or Silver

Cancelling subscription – subscription will continue to renewal date and then paid plan will be downgraded to the free Bronze plan.

  • If subscriber wishes to end subscription immediately and have email and any payment information deleted from our payment partner Stripe, send email to: [email protected]
  • Cancelling subscription before renewal date does not generate a partial refund.