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Score student BEHAVIOR

Using the scoring app to score disruptive BEHAVIOR in the moment is not recommended.  Instead keep track of student behavioral-redirects (mentally or on paper) and enter behavior scores on an interval schedule that works for you. You may have a small subset of students who would benefit from behavioral scoring every day or every other day but often behavioral scoring can be effective on a once per week schedule.


  1. Change the point value to match the number of class-periods you are scoring: 10 pts = 1 class period, 20 pts = 2 class periods … 50 points = 5 class periods. 

3. Use the “Score All Students” button to start all students with an “Excellent” Score (or whatever score would be most common – use “More Scoring Options to increase your choices from 3 to 9).

4. Change the scores of students whose behavior was less than “Excellent”. In Figure 4 below, George C’s score was changed to 35 out of 50, Cheryl M is at 25/50 and Jimi H is at 45/50.

How to send a Behavior Comment

From the Behavior category teachers may quickly send comments to guardians and students.  Your comments are sent to the Student’s Portal and an email alert is sent to any guardians associated with the student. 


  1. a) Comments are sent from the Behavior category. b) In the image below the teacher has set the point total to 50 Pts because the behavior scoring is for five-class periods.
  2. Behavior Comments can only be sent to students who have been scored.  To add a comment, select the “Add Comment” button.
  1. a) Choose one of the comment stems; b) press the “Comment” box to write or dictate a comment; c) press the Save button.

4. a) When a comment has been successfully saved, the “Add Comment” button changes to “Comment” and is grayed; b) scores with comments have a dialogue icon on the score button.

Removing Behavior Comments

You should periodically remove negative behavior comments so that students won’t repeatedly view them throughout the school year. Behavior Comments are Term specific in the Teacher Dashboard which is not the case in Student Portals where all comments are listed.


  1. a) Open a Course in your Teacher Dasbord and click on the “Behavior Comments” tab. b) From this window, select the desired Term.  c) Click the delete button.